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Mindfulness Workshops

Mindfulness Workshops...


Over the years Lise has been asked to present a variety of different talks, courses and workshops related to psychology, mindfulness, emotional awareness, well-being and self-realization. 


Whether Lise is invited to talk about a specific theme such as regulating big emotions, managing chronic pain, improving work performance, developing more self-awareness, reducing stress or mastering emotions to better use them in music or theatre, the common thread behind all of Lise's teachings is always related to increased self-mastery for optimal well-being and happiness.


Mindfulness and emotional awareness truly improve every aspect of our lives - from our personal relationships to our professional careers.


Lise is skilled at helping people tap into the source of their happiness and power. She teaches individuals how to get realigned with the wisdom and guidance of their own heart - through self-knowledge, awareness and practice.


Lise uses a mindfulness-based approach with a strong focus on emotional awareness to empower people of all ages to become more self-aware, self-regulated, resilient and content.


Over the past decade, Lise has witnessed how mindfulness, emotional literacy, meditation and spiritual understanding are powerful catalysts that radically transform lives. This results in more vitality, more fulfillment, better productivity, as well as less stress, less anxiety and less frustration.

"Lise Villeneuve's approach to teaching mindfulness is unique and effective. With her Mary Poppin's type bag of tools, metaphors and examples, Lise has been able to help seniors learn the principles of Mindfulness that they can apply to their lives. For several, these tools have been life changing. Teaching how to control emotions, reduce chronic pain, and cope with the kinds of issues seniors face on a daily basis, has made a measurable impact on the seniors at the Edmonton Seniors Centre. If you have a chance to hear her speak or take one of her classes, I encourage you to avail yourself of the opportunity. It can change your perspective and your life." 


-Linda F. Ensley, MBA. Assistant Executive Director of the Edmonton Senior Centre at the Edmonton General Hospital

Wise Willy
Mindfulness "Crash Course"

If you have a specific topic in mind you would like Lise to present to your audience through the lens of mindfulness, please contact her. If not, Lise's 75-minute "Mindfulness & Emotional Awareness Crash Course" covers all the basics and empowers individuals with knowledge, strategies, and practical applications they can take home.


When asked to present, Lise generally prefers an interactive style that engages the participants as much as possible, although she is always happy to adapt to the needs of the organizers. Lise is fully bilingual in English and French.







"We brought Lise in to facilitate an on-site workshop on emotional literacy for my staff. We are a not-for-profit before and after school care program, and we do have some children in our care who have anxiety and who could use more coaching on emotional regulation. Lise was able to provide us with great insight, and offered us some techniques to use in helping children to calm down, and to help them identify what they are feeling. Her workshop was very interactive, which was great. She was wonderful to work with, as she asked me what I was hoping to get out of a workshop, and tailored it to my needs. I also wanted to invite parents to the workshop, as I felt it would be beneficial for them. Lise was very open to that as well."


-Jessica Chiu, Executive Director of Mckernan Child Care Society



"The members in my group all suffer from a variety of chronic pain and my goal is to help then achieve acceptance and learn tools to minimize their pain. We all enjoyed how Lise kept the group interactive by participating in questions. She shared personal stories and an important mindfulness tool (the body scan). Their response to Lise was absolutely positive and they were thrilled to experience a method to help them control something that has taken so much from them. The look on their faces was of surprise and relief in the new knowledge that they can have some control over their pain. Lise was an amazing instructor and I could not only hear their thanks but could see the gratitude on their faces. Lise has truly given them the gift of hope."


-Lori, Instructor of the Surviving To Thriving Chronic Pain Support Group at the Edmonton General Hospital.



Relevant Work Experience:

  • Mindfulness & Emotional Awareness Instructor & Program Creator, 2015 to present.

  • Speaker and Educator for various organisations (mindfulness and emotional intelligence workshops), 2017 to present.

  • Mindfulness Instructor for seniors at the Edmonton General Hospital, 2019-2020.

  • Mindfulness Instructor at the Himalayan Meditation Center, 2017-2020.

  • Counselor, Health and Wellness Advisor, Life Coach, 2015-2017.

  • International singer & songwriter, 1996-2008.


Courses Created and Taught by Lise:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation for Adults: an 8-week course, 2020.

  • Conscious Kids Mindfulness & Emotional Literacy Program: a 10-week mindfulness program taught to young families in-person and online, 2015-2020.

  • Conscious Kids Certification Training Program: a 10-week certification program for adults who want to teach the Conscious Kids curriculum, 2018-2020.

  • Conscious Coach: a 12-week audio program that helps individuals reach their goals in a conscious manner, 2016.

  • Conscious Health: a 26-week online program that helps individuals optimize their health and wellness while simultaneously raising their awareness.


Published Works:

  • Wise Willy’s Secret Manual to Become a Mindful Superhero: a 12-Book Series / Course on mindfulness and emotional intelligence for kids, 2021.

  • Conscious Kids: a complete 26-week mindfulness course for families, 2015

  • 13 Chansons Pour Entendre Son Coeur: a self-help book combined with a music CD of original songs, 2007.



  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 2014.

  • Certified Reiki Master, 2012.

  • Honor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Alberta, 1997.



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Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you!

 At Conscious Living Solutions, we believe in empowering individuals to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Our transformative tools, blending mindfulness, psychology, and spirituality, provide the key to unlocking your true potential. Discover the rewards of conscious living and embrace a holistic approach to well-being. Start your journey towards self-awareness, growth, and joy today. 


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